Budget and Spending

Find out more about Council budgets, how funding is spent, our corporate and financial plans for the future and how to fight fraud.

Someone using a calculator to work out bills
  • Our Corporate Plan

    Learn about our plan for the future of Wakefield residents.
  • How to pay council bills

    How to pay Council bills online, by telephone, pay point, post office, through a bank or by post.
  • Fighting fraud

    Find out what to do if you know, or believe that someone is committing a fraud against the Council, you can give us details so we can investigate and stop the misuse of public money.
  • Medium term financial strategy

    Information on the Medium term financial strategy. (‘MTFS’) is a four-year-plan which sets out the Council’s commitment to provide services that meet the needs of people locally
  • Statement of accounts

    Councils must produce an annual Statement of Accounts in accordance with legislative requirements and the Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting in the UK.
  • Technology and digital transformation strategy

    Find out about the Wakefield Council Technology and digital transformation strategy designed around providing the best, value-for money solutions to meet the needs of the District as a whole
  • Council budget 2024/25

    Information on the revenue budget which aims to ensure that the Council’s resources are aligned with its priorities, to enable the council to provide the best services possible
  • Wakefield Council Productivity Plan

    Find out about how we have transformed the way we deliver services, how we plan to use technology to make better use of data and our plans to reduce wasteful spending.

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