Respite - breaks for carers

Respite or short-term care offers care for service users. These also give carers a break from looking after a disabled person, someone who is severely ill, or frail older person.

Carers can take a break when they most need it, knowing that the person they look after is safe and receiving good care.

The respite care service gives carers the freedom to decide when and where they take a break from caring.

It also allows all service users who have been identified as having a care need to be cared for in the right way.

Download the respite care leaflet here for more information or contact Social Care Direct.

Who can apply for Respite Care Services?

The service is available to service users and carers of people who have been identified as having a care need. If you are giving a lot of regular care for a person, ask Social Care Direct to look at your needs as well as those of the person you are caring for. This is called a Care Assessment.

If you are a carer the person doing the care assessment will tell you about the types of help and support that are available to you and the person you care for. If you are assessed as needing respite care, you will agree with the Care Assessment Officer the level of care required over that financial year.

How the Service works

You will be told how many weeks of respite care are recommended in the care assessment. The service allows the service user to have respite in an agreed and appropriate placement. This is up to the maximum number of weeks identified in the care assessment.

When you want to use the service, contact your Social Worker or Care Co-ordinator. They will help you with your arrangements. Your care plan will identify how many weeks you need.

It is important to contact your Social Worker or Care Co-ordinator. This is so that other services can be suspended and started again when you need them.

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