Breastfeeding women bare all for new art project

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Wakefield Council is empowering breastfeeding women through an art project with Wakefield Families and Babies (FAB) and local artist Danielle Blyth.

Women from across the district have been encouraged to paint and make a print of their breasts using different artistic techniques, which have been put together into a piece of art.

It will be unveiled on Wednesday 7 August at 1-3pm at Wakefield Families and Babies shop on the upper floor in The Ridings shopping centre and will be on display until 31 August 2024

“The focus is celebrating women’s achievements and how amazing their bodies are in a beautiful and fun piece of artwork.

“We are aiming to normalise breastfeeding and the amazing supportive network of breastfeeding families in Wakefield.”

Cllr Margaret Isherwood

Cabinet member for Children and Young People

Cllr Margaret Isherwood

Rachel Wilson, Operations Manager at Families & Babies (FAB), said: “Breastfeeding reduces the risk and severity of eczema and asthma in children and reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in babies. It also reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis (weak bones) for mums, and burns up to 500 calories per day helping with weight loss.  

"Breastfeeding is also good for the environment – if more women breastfed for six months it would be the same as taking tens of thousands of cars off the road.  

"Come along on 7 August to find out more and join FAB as a member of Team Boobs."

The art project celebrates World Breastfeeding Week 1-7 August 2024.

FAB has been commissioned by Wakefield Council to deliver the Breastfeeding Promotion and Community Peer Support Service, supporting new families to enjoy their breastfeeding journeys and helping to normalise breastfeeding across the district.

For help and support, visit 

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