Applying to hold an event

This page offers advice for:

  • a person or organisation planning an event on council land
  • a person or organisation planning an event for the public
  • a person or organisation planning an event at a location where the event is not part of the usual business at that location - for example a public house hosting a beer festival

Legal Disclaimer

It is the responsibility of the event organiser to comply with all relevant law and guidance and to ensure the event is conducted safely. Sign off by the Safety Advisory Group (SAG) does not imply that the Council or any of the SAG partners have approved the event or accepted any liability for injury to or loss by any participants.

Neither Wakefield Council nor any of the Participants in the SAG accept any liability for loss to event organisers arising from the cancellation of or adjustment to any events or event plans after they have been signed off by the SAG arising from changes in national law, guidance or practice

Guidance for all event organisers

Our Safety Advisory Group can offer support and guidance for all event organisers. The SAG has written a guide for event organisers that explains how to go about planning your event.

The Health and Safety Executive produce detailed guidance on all aspects of event organisation.

The general guide for event organisers known as the Purple Guide, and a guide for sporting events known as the Green Guide both contain useful information and guidance for event organisers.

In addition please complete the Yorkshire Ambulance Service SAG assurance form.

If you are holding an event, please complete our online application form.

All applications must be submitted no less than two months before the event date.

We need a risk assessment and site plan with your application. Please ensure your risk assessment has a review date.

As an event organiser you must have current public liability cover for the event and it should be for at least five million pounds (possibly more for large commercial events).

Applications for markets or car boot sales should be made directly to the Markets Service, Payments and Allocations Team.

Applications for Pontefract or Sandal castle should be made directly to the Castle Hire Team.

Events on Council land

For events being held on Council land, we charge a small administration fee of £50 for non-profit making events that are organised for fund raising like charities and sports clubs.

Commercial and profit making events are assessed individually, and the charges vary. This is determined looking at the duration of the event, any extra facilities needed and how many people will be going to the event.

If your event is in Thornes Park, Clarence Park or Holmfield Park then you must use the plan provided.

If your event is to take place in Pontefract Park then you must use the plan provided.

No hooved animals (like horses, sheep or goats) will normally be allowed in Pontefract Park because there are strict rules and procedures about vaccinations to control the spread of disease. If hooved animals are to be an essential part of your event you must tell us as soon as possible to see if this can be included.

When we receive an application to use Council land, it is sent to different departments for approval and comments. When this has been received, a licence may be issued.

For further information about holding an event in the District, please contact us on

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Customer Services Wakefield Council Wakefield One PO Box 700 Wakefield WF1 2EB

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