Transport Infrastructure Schemes
List of information about Corridor improvement programmes, Newton bar junction improvement and Government's transforming cities fund to transform Wakefield city centre.

Corridor Improvement Programme - A638 Doncaster Road
The Council is proposing improvements on the A638 Doncaster Road between Chantry Bridge and Heath Common to improve travel for all along this key corridor linking the city with the eastern areas of the district. -
Corridor Improvement Programme - A639 Park RoadBeechnut Lane junction.
Options have been developed to handle existing and future traffic levels to allow for better overall traffic flow and more active travel. -
Newton Bar Junction Improvement
The A650 at Newton Bar is a key junction linking routes to the centre of Wakefield, Leeds via the M1, and Pinderfields Hospital via Bar Lane. -
Transforming Cities – Wakefield city centre
As city centre growth continues, changes in the public realm and transport infrastructure are needed to allow the local economy to grow. -
Wakefield Eastern Relief Road
The Wakefield Eastern Relief Road is 5.5km long, boasts the longest single span bridge in Wakefield and the first new river crossing in Wakefield in over 100 years. -
Transforming Cities - A61 and A639
West Yorkshire Combined Authority, working in partnership with Wakefield Council and Leeds City Council, is investing £22.5m in two key roads connecting the Wakefield District with Leeds – the A61 and A639.