Conservation areas
Councils must designate areas of special architectural or historic interest. This is where it is desirable to preserve or enhance the character of the area.
We do this with conservation areas in the historic parts of towns and villages. There are currently 29 of these in our district. We also apply the law to development within these Conservation Areas.
Conservation areas in the district are found in city centres through to rural hamlets.
A conservation area preserves the whole character of the area, not just an individual building. This character may be made up of:
- buildings
- spaces between buildings
- views
- paving materials
- trees and boundary features.
Designation brings with it a number of controls including:
- control over the demolition of buildings
- strengthened controls over minor development
- special provision for the protection of trees
Conservation area maps show the location of the conservation areas within the Wakefield district
The Article 4 Directions PDF document explains about Article 4 directions which apply in some Conservation Areas
Properties affected by Article 4 designation PDF
Our Living in a Conservation Area PDF document explains the planning constraints associated with living a conservation area
Conservation area appraisals
The Council is undertaking a programme of conservation area appraisals. These appraisals assess the special character of a conservation area and justify its designation.
The Conservation areas are
- Button Park Appraisal
- Lower Westgate Appraisal
- Pontefract Market Place Appraisal
- Pontefract Castle Appraisal
- Sandal Castle Appraisal
- South Parade Appraisal
- St John's Appraisal
- The Mount Appraisal
- Upper Westgate Appraisal
- Wakefield Cathedral Appraisal
- Wentworth Terrace Appraisal
Historical maps and photographs can also be accessed through our Historical maps page.
There are management guidelines for the conservation areas. These include policies for the protection and enhancement of that special character. This explains what is special about an area to inform decisions about development.
Contact Us
Conservation Team Development Management Wakefield Council Wakefield One PO Box 700 Wakefield WF1 2EB