I provide a service

Our Adult Social Care Market Position Statement outlines current trends and predictions for future demand in promoting and supporting independence and wellbeing.

It provides information and analysis to help Social Care Markets make informed commercial and service planning decisions.

Our Workforce Development Guide for the Private, Voluntary and Independent Sector (Including Personal Assistants and Carers) outlines our range of learning and development solutions that are available to access via the Wakefield Council Adults Integrated Care Workforce Development Team.

What does the Care Act mean to me?

Although the legislative base is totally different, in practice much will remain the same for providers, although you should be aware of the following major changes:

Principle of wellbeing

You would find it useful to understand the principle of wellbeing and consider if there are changes you might wish to make to your services.

Assessment, including carers

You would find it useful to understand how the process works, be able to explain it to people seeking care and support, and guide them to their Local Authority

National eligibility criteria

You would find it useful to understand the main criteria, be able to explain it to people seeking care and support, and guide them to their Local Authority.

Care planning and review

You would find it useful to be able to identify outcomes within the care and planning process that will establish the cornerstone of a subsequent care plan.

Deferred payments

You would find it useful to be able to explain to clients and future clients how to potentially access deferred payments in line with Local Authority policy.

Download more information about the Care Act

Another essential part of Care Act places a duty on councils to establish and maintain a service providing information and advice to local people on care and support. To upload your service information onto our information and advice platform, please go to our Connect to Support website.

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