Overview and scrutiny at Wakefield Council
Overview and scrutiny operates through:
- Wakefield Overview and Scrutiny Management Board
- Adult Services, Public Health and the NHS Committee
- Children and Young People Committee
- Climate Change and Environmental Wellbeing Committee
- Regeneration, Employment and Skills Committee
The Terms of Reference outline the broad areas covered by each of the above.
The management board and committees consist of elected members from different political parties. They also include co-opted members from outside the council who are members of the public or nominated representatives. Co-opted members serve for three years.
Interested in becoming a co-opted member?
The management board and committees each have a minimum of six meetings per year, with additional meetings if needed. Meetings are generally open to the public and media, except for confidential items. We encourage public and media attendance as observers. Speaking at the meeting may be allowed, at the Chair's discretion. Meeting details, agendas, and future dates are available on the Council's Meetings database.
How does Overview and Scrutiny work?
Overview and scrutiny looks at a diverse range of issues every year, including consideration of how specific services are performing. These pieces of work may be undertaken on a one-off basis, as a rapid review or as a more in-depth inquiry, taking several months to complete.
We gather information from diverse sources, including professionals, experts, service providers, and members of the public. This includes hearing from service users and individuals with different perspectives.
We use various methods such as formal meetings, one-on-one discussions, site visits, and questionnaires to collect this information.
Overview and scrutiny has no decision-making powers. It works by:
- investigating
- encouraging
- persuading
- reporting
- recommending
Having considered all the information presented to it, where appropriate, the management board or the committees will make recommendations and publish a report on how services can be improved.
Overview and scrutiny can make recommendations to:
- Cabinet
- Full Council
- Wakefield Together Partnership
- individual partner organisations such as the police, health service, housing and transport providers, etc.
Although it has no decision-making powers of its own, one of the responsibilities of overview and scrutiny is to check that Cabinet is making decisions in accordance with the Council's priorities and objectives.
Immediately after Cabinet meetings a list of decisions is published and normally they are implemented five days later. During this five-day period overview and scrutiny can challenge or 'call-in' the decision. This is if they believe it is not in accordance with the policies of the Council.
Annual Report
At the end of each municipal year, overview and scrutiny is required to produce an Annual Report about the work the management board and the committees have undertaken.
Joint Health Scrutiny
Wakefield also has representatives on joint health committees such as the Wakefield and Kirklees Health Scrutiny Joint Committee. Over the last few years Wakefield has led on developing partnership arrangements for responding to statutory consultations and other regional or cross boundary health scrutiny work.
Contact Us
Overview and Scrutiny Office County Hall Wakefield WF1 2QW