About Wakefield Council
Providing information about how the council is run, council and cabinet meetings, our budget and spending, policies and procedures, current consultations, and accessing information about Wakefield Council.
How the Council is run
Information on how the Council is run, council and cabinet meetings, roles and responsibilities, senior executive remuneration, pay bands, declaration of interests, expenses. -
Councillors and Mayor
Learn more about the councillors and Mayor of the Wakefield District; their role, responsibilities, how they can be contacted, and more. -
Budget and spending
Information on how much Wakefield Council spend and what we spend it on. All the stats are here. -
Consultation and engagement
We carry out consultations and surveys on the way we plan, manage and deliver services. Your views are really important to help shape what we do and how we do it. -
Access to information
Access to information about Wakefield Council, meetings and minutes, data protection, freedom of information, how the council is run, overview and scrutiny panels, open data, re-use of information. -
Policies and procedures
Find out more on policies and procedures at Wakefield Council, emergency planning, council meetings, the constitution and town and parish charters.