Transfer to us
Did you know

When you transfer to Fostering Wakefield:
- we'll match payments from your current provider
- 70% council tax reduction for mainstream carers
- you’re more likely to have children placed with you than with an independent agency
- you’ll join an active and welcoming fostering community
Transferring to us has never been easier
Transferring to Fostering Wakefield as an experienced foster carer is straightforward. From the outset, we’re on hand to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

"The transfer from our IFA to the LA was simple and quick. From the first phone call we were supported through the process and our assessing social worker was fully engaged, interested in all of us, incredibly efficient and full of good humour."
Alison, transferred from an Independent Fostering Agency
We're with you all the way
1. Get in touch
There are a few ways to get in touch to discuss your opportunities with Fostering Wakefield:
- fill in our online enquiry form
- call us direct on 0800 197 0320
- email the fostering team on
- speak to us in person at one of our events
2. Initial visit
A member of our recruitment and assessment team will visit you at your home. Once you’ve made the decision to transfer, we recommend you inform your current provider. They’ll need to know before your application with us.
3. Your fostering application and assessment
You’ll meet your assessing social worker; they’ll be with you throughout your assessment. They will update your assessment information (Form F). We'll add all your valuable fostering experience to your previous form. This will be a quicker process than your last assessment.
4. Preparation training
You may not have to attend our training if you’ve recently undertaken a similar course. We’ll review your skills and knowledge to see if you need a top-up.
5. Start your transfer
We’ll coordinate the timing of the transfer with your current agency/authority. We will always try and arrange your Fostering Panel review to coincide with your end date to avoid as much disruption as possible.
6. The Fostering Panel
They will review your updated assessment and make a recommendation about your approval. This can take 3 months or less from initial enquiry to approval.
7. After approval
You will get assigned a supervising social worker. They will provide ongoing support, including:
- invited to attend an induction group with other foster carers
- a personal development plan and core training to help you develop your skills
- regular visits from your supervising social worker
- local events and support groups to help you meet other foster carers
- a fostering duty system available to help with any queries - 5 days a week
- out of hours support - 7 days a week

“My transfer went really well. I had good support from my assessor who got the transfer done quickly.”
Wendy – transferred from another local authority
Ready to find out more?
We recommend contacting our team to talk it over with complete confidentiality. They will be able to give you all the information you need to make a decision.
Complete the enquiry form and one of our team will be in touch.
Transferring with a foster child
We welcome foster carers who have children or young people already in their care. We will guide and support you through the transfer process. We will talk to you about the circumstances of the child you are caring for, and help you make the move.
1. You will need to let your current agency and / or local authority know. Give written notice of your intention to transfer to Fostering Wakefield.
2. The placing authority will inform the child’s independent reviewing officer of the intended change. They will need to hold a meeting within 28 days. You will be invited, along with:
- the commissioning/contracting officers
- the children’s social workers
- current fostering provider
- Fostering Wakefield (as the new provider)
They will consider the needs of the foster child and a timeline for the assessment and any training.
The benefits when you transfer to Fostering Wakefield

- face-to-face and online training courses to develop your skills, including therapeutic parenting
- access to educational support and our Emotional Wellbeing Team for your all your fostering family (birth and foster children)
- free gym memberships at all Wakefield Council gyms for fostering households
- a free family railcard, providing fantastic discounts
- membership to FosterTalk
- a range of support groups and networks for all needs across the district