Information for Rating Agents and Surveyors

We are happy to help with enquiries from Rating Agents and Surveyors. This is if the enquiry is accompanied by a signed letter of authority from the ratepayer.

Audits of Charges

Please be aware that we cannot handle general requests for account information. This also applies to charges related to multiple properties over several years. 

Rating Agents are usually able to accurately calculate charges using information from: 

  • The Valuation Office Agency (VOA)
  • client records
  • specialised software

If you believe there is an error in the calculation of your client's liability, please provide us with specific details and your own calculations. We will make every effort to assist you in resolving the issue.


We aim to refund overpayments (whether for Rateable Value changes or otherwise) as soon as possible after they have arisen. This is providing that we have the correct BACS details.

In some cases, we will offset an overpayment against other debts the Ratepayer may have with the Council.

Empty Property Allowances

Please make requests for allowances during the vacant period of the property so that we can inspect it. Backdated requests will only be considered in exceptional cases with appropriate supporting evidence.

Closures resulting from structural issues may qualify for an empty property allowance. However, requests for allowances for brief periods. This can include cosmetic reasons or minor refurbishments, are typically not approved.

Valuation Office Agency updates to the Rating List

Charge adjustments and refunds are typically processed within 20 working days from the date the VOA made changes to the list.

Revised accounts and interest calculation statements are then issued, and refunds are usually made a few days later.

If you want to verify the status of an alteration or refund and 20 working days have passed since the alteration date, please contact us with the relevant details. This can include the alteration date and effective date.

Application for Retail, Hospitality, and Leisure Relief

We will accept, and consider, applications made by Rating Agents, on behalf of their client. This is in respect of Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief providing that:

  • the Rating Agent provides a signed letter of authority from the Ratepayer
  • the Rating Agent provides a full explanation of why the property in question fulfils guidance set out by the Government regarding Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief
  • the Rating Agent confirms that the Ratepayer the application is made in respect of does not exceed the permitted UK Subsidy threshold
    • this is as set out in the Small Amounts of Financial Assistance Allowance, or the Cash Cap of £110,000

Rating Agents are also reminded that a refusal of the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Relief cannot be later revoked.

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