Apply for social housing

Social Housing is property let at lower rents. This is to create affordable housing for those on low incomes.

The Council no longer owns any housing stock - all our properties were transferred to WDH in 2005.

Wakefield Council has nomination rights to a percentage of properties. This is allocated by Registered Providers of Social Housing. To allow the council to do this we have a housing allocations policy that is administered by WDH on behalf of the council. All properties made available to council nominees are advertised on Homesearch. To access such properties you must be a member of Homesearch.

How to apply for social housing

Apply through Wakefield's Choice Based Lettings - Homesearch

Homesearch is run by WDH and advertises properties from WDH and other Registered Providers.

You need to be a registered member of Homesearch and actively looking for properties to be offered a property.

Register with Homesearch

Please note that we are not responsible for the content or functionality of third-party websites.

Or apply direct to a Registered Provider

Registered Providers are not-for-profit organisations who act as social landlords in a similar way to a local council. They are responsible for maintaining properties, providing a repair service, and collecting rent.

Each provider has its own system for placing you on a waiting list
To get an application form from a provider you need to contact them directly
Once you receive the form complete it fully, answering all the questions
Return your completed form to the address given by the provider
Contact details and information about the type of housing offered by Registered Providers.

All Housing Options in the Wakefield District

Further information

Getting enough points

Each Registered Provider uses your application form to give you points or place you in a band. They may give extra points for:

  • being homeless
  • being overcrowded or in poor housing
  • domestic violence
  • serious medical problems

Check the priority or banding you have been awarded to ensure it fits your needs.

Staying on the list

Make sure that you tell the provider of any changes in your needs. If you do not, you may be removed from the list.

How long will I have to wait?

This depends upon your needs, how often vacancies arise, and the demand for your requested area or property type. If you are flexible you are more likely to receive an offer of property.

House type and location

Registered Providers own all types of housing, but they will only offer you a property suited to your needs. For example, it is unlikely they will offer a three-bedroom house to a single person intending to live alone.

The Registered Provider will also ask you where you want to live. It is important to choose locations that have the type of housing that you need.

If you need a property soon, you are advised to consider a suitable property in locations that have a shorter waiting time. You can contact your housing office for further information on waiting times and locations. You should make sure you fully use the number of areas of choice available on the application form.

Asking for high-demand areas or restricting your choices to a specific property or heating type will increase the length of time you are waiting.

Under 18 years?

Some Registered Providers will not put you on their waiting or membership list until you are 18 years old, dependent upon your needs.

Some will not make an offer of housing unless somebody acts as your guarantor. (A guarantor is someone who agrees to pay your rent if you cannot or do not make the payments yourself). If in doubt, ask the provider.


Each Registered Provider has its own policy for letting out properties. They will decide whether your application can be accepted or not.

To help you in your search for social housing please download the housing factsheet:

Registered providers of social housing in the Wakefield district

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