WordFest programme is ready to download

Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Children and adults can enjoy hundreds of exciting events as part of this year’s WordFest programme.

The Wakefield district’s annual celebration of words is back and runs throughout the whole of May. The full programme is available to download at: WordFest | Experience Wakefield

The festival is part of Our Year - Wakefield District 2024. The exciting 366-day programme of physical activity, cultural and heritage activity that is taking place across the Wakefield District.

“WordFest is hugely popular, and we have a great programme this year, as part of the Our Year celebrations.

"Residents and visitors will have so much to explore and it’s a great opportunity to take part and learn something new.”

Mark Lynam

Corporate Director for Regeneration, Environment and Economic Growth at Wakefield Council

Mark Lynam

Events will be held in the district’s libraries and other community settings during the month-long festival celebrating words, which will encourage residents of all ages to explore their own creativity.

Hundreds of free and exciting events, from author talks and storytelling, film showings and music, will take place in local libraries and community venues. 
The programme has been developed with community partners and features activities across the district.

They include creative commissions from Tmesis theatre, What’s the story, Buttercrumble, Charlie Wells Music and Storytrail. There are also young people's creative writing workshops, and more.

This year’s festival theme is Our Heritage, Our Stories - all about local heritage, local history, locally written stories, local folklore. It links in to the wider Our Year programme, as well as focusing on family literacy and fun.

There will be daily digital activities, with a weekly WordLab challenge on social media and in libraries, and a word of the day on social media.
Workshops and performances will all promote the message: ‘Make Words Count.’
Artists and creatives from across the district will be taking part and present an inspiring range of performances, workshops and events in the district’s libraries and community centres celebrating this year’s theme for families and young people.
The festival will also feature a wide variety of talks and workshops for adults including, poetry, creative writing, author visits and exhibitions.
For more information on WordFest, visit: expwake.co/WordFest
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Image credit: Tmesis Theatre

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