Postal votes to be sent out this week

Monday, April 15, 2024

Postal votes for the local and West Yorkshire Combined Authority mayoral elections on 2 May are being sent out this week and Wakefield Council is urging residents to return them as soon as possible.

People will receive instructions with their ballot paper on how to complete the postal vote. Anyone with a postal vote cannot vote in person at a polling station. However, completed forms can be handed in at any polling station within the same ward on the day of the election, any time up to 10pm. Postal votes can also be dropped off at County Hall, Wakefield up to 10pm on election day.

For elections taking place on 2 May, you will be only able to hand in your own postal vote, and the postal votes of up to five other people, at a polling station or to your local council. When handing in postal votes, you will need to complete a form. You will need to include your name and address, how many postal votes you are handing in and why you are handing in those postal votes.

“Postal votes will start to be delivered to our residents this week and we encourage people to return it as soon as possible.

“If you are concerned about getting to a polling station on 2 May, there is still time to nominate someone to vote on your behalf – a proxy vote.”

Gillian Marshall

Electoral Registration Officer

Gillian Marshall

The deadline to apply for a postal vote has now passed, this was 5pm on Wednesday 17 April.

The deadline to apply for a proxy vote is 5pm on Wednesday 24 April.

On the day of the election, polls will be open from 7am to 10pm. The local election count will take place at Thornes Park Athletics Stadium on Friday 3 May.

The list of candidates for the election is available to view at

For more information about the elections process or previous election results, visit

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